Today i will read my bucket list. It´s very hard this blog because i never thinking about this. However, i will do the intent. Mi first wish is undertand the english language and i can listen the english commentarist in the NBA. At the same time i want to travel to USA and i can live the basketball in his maximum expression. Chile is a poor country in terms of sports. My wish talk with the NBA players and be able to interview them. Know them and even be able to relate friendly. It would be exciting. In musical terms since i was a child i liked the piano. Learning to play the piano is something i would like very much, so when i have money i will buy one and try to learnd individually. Atlhough it sounds ambicious, i would like to have a lot of money. My parents are old and i don´t like them to keep working. I wish i could have the neccesary resources to maintain them and they can rest in this last stage of their life. I also have a frustrated dream. Maybe not frustrated, but i t...
Honestly i have never thought about the possibility of studying something more advanced once i finished my university career. I have thought about studying laws, but because it´s a career with wich i considered studying when i was in middle school. I think that spending five extra years to get a second profession ins´t productive because it´s a lot of time, besides studying in Chile is very expensive and i can currently do it because i have free. To write this blog i have searched for magisters in major universities in Chile and the following are the ones that have caught my attention: "Magíster en procesamiento y gestión de información" and " Magíster en periodismo escrito". The first one reads very interesting because it makes me think that it´s required to be astute and have criteria. A very analytical work. In addition, they study people who have studied different careers, so you can learn a lot by talking with people who have others professions, Wh...