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My last holidays

In February of 2012 i went to Quillón before my last year en basic school. Also it was my last holidays. This people is in the Ñuble Region. I don´t go much to the holidays. This is the best ocassion for me because is the unique i memory.

I was in Quillón during a week. I was with my mother to the house of my uncle. Fortunately in the frond lived another uncle with my cousins. They are my age.

Quillón has a Laguna Avendaño, a turistic place where we went almost every day. It was very fun. In his lagoon the people sells tortillas for the five o´clock tea. The characteristic of this lagoon is it was two parts. A free and a pay for entry. The second has a few people.

In the nigh on the central park was a train what recorried all the people. It is the best of the his travel. I on the train every days.

I with my mother took advantage and we went to the cementary. In the cementary of the Quillón was my grandmother. She died when i was two weeks of the life.


  1. Quillon looks a ghost twon, but I must be a nice place.

  2. This is so cool, It was a good vacation for you!. I don´t know Quillón, but with what you say, I have desire to know it!

  3. "I'm going to Quillon , I'm going to Quillon, in search of a new love (8)" ... no?( Ok, beautiful places, bad song :s


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