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Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2019

My last holidays

In February of 2012 i went to Quillón before my last year en basic school. Also it was my last holidays. This people is in the Ñuble Region. I don´t go much to the holidays. This is the best ocassion for me because is the unique i memory. I was in Quillón during a week. I was with my mother to the house of my uncle. Fortunately in the frond lived another uncle with my cousins. They are my age. Quillón has a Laguna Avendaño , a turistic place where we went almost every day. It was very fun. In his lagoon the people sells tortillas  for the five o´clock tea. The characteristic of this lagoon is it was two parts. A free and a pay for entry. The second has a few people. In the nigh on the central park was a train what recorried all the people. It is the best of the his travel. I on the train every days. I with my mother took advantage and we went to the cementary. In the cementary of the Quillón was my grandmother. She died when i was two weeks of the life.

Houston is my destiny

I don´t need think hard for decide the country i want visit. I like NBA very very much and my favourite team is Houston Rockets. His stadium is the Toyota Center. For it, i want abroad to Houston, United States. I go to the Houston only the basketball match? I am crazy? Maybe, but i am conform. Watch basketball in Chile is very boring. The level is very low compared with the Rockets in the NBA. I would want to live in Houston for live the basketball in his maximun expression. Also, i will be journalist. If i learn english language i can work in his country in my favourite sport. Writing, commented, etc. I don´t know why more i like this city (not only country, i like especify the city). I am very basic in my motive. I investigated about this city and it have a spacial center of the NASA. It would be very interesting for visit, but only one time or two, not more.

Private information on internet

Actually, the social media are a very important tools for the people. This are used for share information, reflections or simply for talk with the other persons. However, this want his ussers sharing all your private dates: name, age, direction, etc. I use twitter, instagram and facebook (this last one in low frecuency). Nowhere i write or say where i live, for example. Only if i nee say to the friend. I don´t know if one persona read my information, for its i only sharing basic dates whitout very importan. We doesn´t write dates what say our position in the city, never, NEVER. My favourite social media is twitter. I think twitter can achieve his ussers said they think very easy. A few words are neccesary for say what they want. Also, the discussions in this social media are very funny, most than facebook or instagram. Never i think what share or what not. Basically i only use the social media for specifics tasks. Twitter for read sport notices. Instagram for see memes and ...