Actually, the social media are a very important tools for the people. This are used for share information, reflections or simply for talk with the other persons. However, this want his ussers sharing all your private dates: name, age, direction, etc.
I use twitter, instagram and facebook (this last one in low frecuency). Nowhere i write or say where i live, for example. Only if i nee say to the friend. I don´t know if one persona read my information, for its i only sharing basic dates whitout very importan. We doesn´t write dates what say our position in the city, never, NEVER.
My favourite social media is twitter. I think twitter can achieve his ussers said they think very easy. A few words are neccesary for say what they want. Also, the discussions in this social media are very funny, most than facebook or instagram.
Never i think what share or what not. Basically i only use the social media for specifics tasks. Twitter for read sport notices. Instagram for see memes and facebook... well, i don´t know.
Twitter is very funny, that social media have a lot of profiles that are very entertaining!